Combining clinical expertise with engineering ambitions can lead to endless possibilities. In our latest interview in Amazing Erasmus, Martijn van Doorn (Erasmusmc Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and I share our vision for a future where patients can receive injections without needles, increasing the effectiveness of medical treatments, while reducing waste generated before and after each […]
Tag: jet injection
Impacting paper advancing knowledge on needle free jet injections
Diana’s first publication as first author is out! The title is “Microfluidic jet impact: spreading, splashing, soft substrate deformation and injection” and can be found at the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. This is part of the Bubble-Gun project, a system we are developing for needle-free injections. We present distinct impact behaviours based on […]
Squeezing droplets and shooting jets at them to inject
From the series of squeezing and playing with droplets, and building on the work that we did on microfluidic jets impacting on droplets, Miguel and I decided to confine droplets between two glass walls. This allowed us to visualise and make a deep analaysis of the generated cavity when the injection is made. Furthermore, we could […]
Talking at the World Health Summit
I spoke at the World Health Summit about small volume injections without needles: less pain and less waste. The whole ‘New Voices in Global Health’ session can be seen in this video-link.
Reuters visits Twente
The renowned news agency Reuters published a visit to my lab: ‘Virtually painless’ needle-free injections developed in Netherlands. A short video can be seen here.

Reuters visits my BuBble Gun lab: Virtually painless
Reuters presents our work: `Virtually painless’ needle-free injections developed in Netherlands! See also how the World Economic Forum also covered our work in this link to video. “Roughly one in five Dutch people are afraid of needles, said Henk Schenk, who offers therapy to help those suffering acutely. “Phobia of needles is more common than you […]
Apple sauce
While many were having a summer break, our work became cover of the Soft Matter volume 17 of 2021. Please, check the comparison with the famous work of Doc Edgerton ‘making apple sauce’. Tiny Giants‘ supported with the beautiful artwork. I am thankful of Miguel Quetzeri-Santiago, Devaraj van der Meer from the University of Twente and Ian Hunter from Massachusetts Institute of […]