Current members:

Past members (since 2014)
07-2021/02-2022 MSc | Thijmen Kroeze | Direct numerical simulations of fluidic jets | Brink Climate Systems, Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer. |
Fall 2021|Spring 2022 MSc | Nicolas Rivera Bueno | Thermocavitation experiments | Data Analyst, NordPool, Norway |
08-12/2021 Researcher | Tanima Chatterjee | Erosion of plastic microplastics | Data Analyst Consultant Synechron |
02-08/2021 Researcher | Sunmi Lee | Erosion of plastic microplastics | MSc Maastricht University |
02/2017 – 12/2018 Postdoc | Loreto Oyarte Galvez | Needle-free injection | VU Amsterdam / Postdoc (academy) |
01/2015 – 12/2018 PhD | Peter van der Linde | Electrolytic bubbles | VDL (industry) |
10/2017- 11/2019 MSc | Katharina Cu | Needle-free injection | Karlsruhe Institute for Technology PhD (academy) |
09/2018-08/2019 Researcher | Maria F. Pappaterra | BuBble Bag cavitation | TU/Delft MSc (academy) |
02/2017-02/2019 BSc & researcher | Maria Brio | Smart inks | UTwente MSc (academy) |
04/2018-01/2019 MSc | Jędrzej Winczewski | Smart inks | UTwente PhD (academy) |
04/2018-10/2018 BSc (Saxion) | Femke Hogenberk | BuBble Bag cavitation | MSc (academy) Bonhoeffer College teacher |
05/2018-10/2018 BSc | Tim van der Star | BuBble Bag cavitation | Utwente MSc (academy) |
02/2017-02/2018 Researcher (MSc) | Laura Vargas Llona | COPD cavitation | UTwente (academy) |
09/2016-05/2017 | Iris Weijers | Needle-free injector (industrial design) BSc | UTwente MSc (academy) |
01/2017-05/2017 BSc | Amaya Vesga Guitierrez | BuBclean Intern | Dell EMC (industry) |
09/2016-01/2017 BSc | Lara Leijtens | BuBbclean sonicator (industrial-ATLAS) | Persoonlijk proefschrift (industry) |
09/2016-022017 BSc (Saxion) | Alex van Druten | Particles in BuBble bags | UTwente (academy) |
01/2016-07/2016 MSc, Erasmus | Filipe Gomes | Exfoliation in BuBble Bags (UNova-Portugal) | Galp (industry) |
10/2014-02/2015 BSc | Andres Galdames | BuBclean experiments | CERN (academy) |
07/2015-10/2015 | Youling Liu | BuBclean experiments (BSc) | Purdue PhD (academy) |
09/2014-12/2016 Erasmus & MSc | Silvia di Caprera | Cavitation experiments | Bonetti Simonetta (industry) |
01/2014-12/2014 | Thijs Zanderink | Ultrasonic cleaning MSc Saxion | Waste Treatment Technologies (industry) |
04/2014-07/2018 BSc and MSc | Sebastiaan A. Wisman | Proton transport in porous materials | UTwente PhD (academy) |
10/2017-04/2018 MSc | Jone Fuentes | BuBclean intern (commercial) | Kutzabank (industry) |
01/01/2023 -6 months | Martin Petkovšek | Hydrodynamic cavitation | Assist. Prof Lubljana University |
Sep/23 | Andrew Taberner | Bioinstrumentation | Prof. Auckland University |
07/09/2018 | Dagoberto Torres | CONACYT project | UANL, Mexico MSc |
07/09/2018 | Francisco Navarro Fuentes | Electrolytic bubbles | Seville University (MSc) |
02-06/2017 MSc | Irene de Arcos-Turmo | COPD-Bubble sensor, PhD internship, Seville University | Air traffic controller (industry) |
10/2014-11/2015 MSc | Carla Berrospe | Thermocavitation, CONACYT PhD visitor, INAOE | University California Riverside postdoc (academy) |
02/2016 Prof | Javier Dávila | Bubble phenomena, Seville University |
Closest collaborators
Topic | |||
Assoc. Prof. | Miguel Modestino | GreenTech (electrochemistry) | New York University |
Prof. | Ian Hunter | BioEngineering (needle-free injector) | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Prof. | Gareth McKinley | BioEngineering (needle-free injector) | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Prof. | Samir Mitragotri | BioEngineering (needle-free injector) | Harvard University |
Prof. | Michel Versluis | Cavitation | University of Twente |
Prof. | Detlef Lohse | Cavitation | University of Twente |
Prof. | Ruud Verdaasdonk | BioEngineering (needle-free injector) | University of Twente |
Prof. | Han Gardeniers | GreenTech | University of Twente |