Last Sunday morning, the radio program Fris!, from NPO Radio 1 interviewed me on the phone. They wanted to know more about what is in my needle-free research plans that can help the wider population. You can hear it (in Dutch), from minute 5, on the transmission of Fris! March 15th, 2020:
Category: Media
On the Dutch National TV!
The fear of injections draws the attention of the popular RTL EditieNL news in an interview made to the BuBble-Gun team. You can see it from min ~8 here, while an accompanying article can be read here.
Interview given to de Volkskrant!
One of the most renowned and respected journals in The Netherlands has published in print and online, on the special Saturday’s edition, an interview about my BuBble Gun (needle-free injection) project, as well as the future I see under our skin. It is in Dutch, but has some videos and nice graphics.
An interview with tips to those interested in ERC grants
The Euraxess website has posted a video/interview with some tips (with English subtitles) about my experiences in applying for ERC grants.
First publication of injecting in real skin
The first results of injections into ex-vivo skin with the jet injector I am developing has appeared online, and can be downloaded here. It is the result of a collaboration between the Harvard and the University of Twente.
A “Starting Grant” to perform research!
The European Research Council has granted 1.5 M Euro to my BuBble Gun project. For a nice interview, follow this link. A more official news item from the University of Twente, here. More can be found on this link.
Local Newspaper interview
One full page on the Saturday April 15th, 2019 edition of The Twentsche Courant Tubantia newspaper published an interview about my research activities and The Future Under our Skin event. This is part of a long-term initiative I am leading.
Interview to BNR Nieuws Radio
The Dutch radio station BNR Nieuws interviewed me on the Needle-free technology that I am developing at the University of Twente. It aired yesterday May 8th, 2019 in prime time. The recorded interview can be accessed by clicking.
Popular science De Ingenieur magazine article
The magazine De Ingenieur has published in its print and online version a very good article about the needle-free injection technology we are developing (in Dutch).
Interview with U-Today about our Skin and its future role
We talked about an upcoming event, The Future under Our Skin, and how our skin, together with advanced technologies, could one day give us more information or functionality. The interview can be read here.