My colleagues from the University of Twente (Marijke Stehower and Joe Laufer) have organised a venue and time (Friday the 14th of July) for me to share some experiences with former alumni. The details can be found here.
Category: Talks and Lectures
Giving a Lecture on Bubbles aka Cavitation, and some of its applications at NYU
I will be giving a lecture at the Department Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering. This visit has been arranged by Assistant professor Miguel Modestino (
Lecture given to students at the Universidad de Murcia
The title was “Avances en aplicaciones a la industria alimentaria de los Ultrasonidos”, as part of the course “Tecnologías Emergentes 2016-17, Máster Universitario en Nutrición, Tecnología y Seguridad Alimentaria”. It was already warm in Spain at such an early time of the “spring” (March 10th).
Special guest lecturer in Israel
On March 2nd 2017 I will give a lecture on “Improving nanomaterials exfoliation inside a bag” as part of the BINA Annual Conference in Ein-Gedi, Israel.
Physics@Veldhoven 2017
This year I was invited to give a talk on my non-native view as an entrepreneur in the Netherlands. The abstract and other details can be found here.
A talk in a Castle about Process Intensification
Tomorrow, I am invited to talk at the PIN-NL Autumn Session in the Woerden Castle. Looking forward to it!
More than cleaning
Tomorrow I will be giving a talk about things that can be done with our BuBble Bags, besides cleaning at the NanoBio Surfaces and Interfaces in Healthcare and Science event.
Sonochemistry and Istanbul
After almost 8 years since my first European Sonochemistry Society (ESS) meeting in France, next week I will be giving a Keynote presentation in the15th Meeting of the ESS2016. Is reproducibility inside the bag? that is the question I hope to answer to the participants there.
Process Intensification before Brexit
Last June 21st I gave a lecture at the Process Intensification Network meeting in Newcastle. It is a shame to see today that Brexit will happen, and I hope science and collaboration with Europe won’t suffer too much.
This week I will be giving two talks in Madrid!
It is always good to visit Spain, sometimes for vacation, but this time will be to give one talk at Instituto de Tecnologías Físicas y de la Información, with tittle: USEFULNESS OF BURSTING BUBBLES, and the second at the UC3M where Bubbles are welcome.